Products and Bookings

  • So delicious on the Skin !! These unique sponges are derived from the root fibres of the Konjac Plant, which is native to many Asian countries. Combining calcium hydroxide and charcoal with the dried ground powder of the Konjac plant creates a very clever little sponge with a quirky texture, like a combination of squishy rubber and jelly.
  • Releases sore muscles with ease using our trigger point massage ball. Perfect to use for your prehab or rehab. Roll your muscles for a few minutes to increase your range of motion, decrease muscle soreness, speed up recovery and increase mobility.
  • Our Pure Ignite Massage Oil is the fastest way to appreciate your partner and your partner to appreciate you. Make the time you spend together quality time. It absorbs well and promotes skin health. The texture gives a smooth glide and easy workability to the skin surface, making massaging effortless.    
  • This Spiky Ball is ideal for increasing the blood flow to help to minimise pain and discomfort. The soft spikes simulate the rejuvenating effects of a soothing sports massage. Performing self-massage exercises and muscle release techniques are easy with our spiky ball; simply roll the ball across sore muscles.


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