Products and Bookings

  • This amazing trigger point tool will help you to release tight muscles precisely in particular spots. The 6 edges of the trigger hex allow you to trigger your muscles where they are sore. This tool works similarly to a massage therapist's thumb. You can use it, e.g. on your back, around the shoulder blade, your chest muscle or your glutes, to name a few.
  • This Spiky Ball is ideal for increasing the blood flow to help to minimise pain and discomfort. The soft spikes simulate the rejuvenating effects of a soothing sports massage. Performing self-massage exercises and muscle release techniques are easy with our spiky ball; simply roll the ball across sore muscles.
  • Our Trigger Point Ball Set includes Trigger Point Ball Double, Trigger Point Ball, Trigger Hex and Spiky Ball.
    With this set, you can treat every muscle in your body, from increasing the blood flow to a deep-pressure massage. Your body will be thankful forever.
  • This Trigger Point Frame will help you reach sore muscles easily, no matter where.
    The frame gives you 6 pressure points to use. Due to the curve in the frame, you will be able to easily reach sore spots e.g. on your back, shoulders and neck.


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